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Our Bedrock

Friends 01


We deeply value trust and friendship among our business partners, and our track record over the years reflects this. Our preference is for long term cooperation and commerce, rather than one off interactions, as we believe this fosters deeper knowledge of one another and makes working together increasingly streamlined, comfortable and productive. As a rule of thumb, we want to be able to sit down at a table with those we work with. It feels like we’ve done a pretty decent job of this.

Friends 02

Friends 03

As with our approach to our friends, the cohesion, happiness, and productivity of our company relies on having well-rooted and motivated colleagues who stay with us for long periods. Many of our cadre began working with us as interns during their secondary education, and have stayed with us well past their higher education to occupy managerial positions. As a result, our co-workers are motivated and work well together towards a common goal. High employee turnover is damaging to group cohesion, morale and is moreover costly. A company is as healthy and productive as its members are happy and motivated. In short, this is something we look to foster.

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